Fundraising is an essential part of the hockey experience, and PMHA wants you to have the best options available to you. The raffles and contest fundraisers that happen during tournaments are a valuable tradition, and the ever-popular 50/50 has moved online to become the modern fundraising option you’ve been waiting for.
What is an online 50/50?
As of 2021, the BC Gaming Branch allows the PMHA to run these streamlined contests along with our teams, using an online service called Rafflebox who stick-handle gaming requirements, provide a contest website, and handle payment services. This allows for a 50/50 wit h a much larger pot to be run efficiently and easily online, with social media platforms as your main ticket sales driver. This is the evolution of the classic 50/50 and it ’s a fantastic way to help afford a better experience for your players.
How do I take advantage of this?
We make this opportunity available equally to each of the teams that the PMHA is running. Ideally run during your home tournament, each team is able to be involved in one contest (2-team tournaments share a contest). If for any reason you’re unable to align a contest with your home tournament, you can run it at any other time during the season.
> Click here to download a PDF with further information on setting up your 50/50 <
Gift Basket, Wine & Loonie Stick Raffles
All other forms of licensed fundraising contest are to happen outside this program, under the banner of your team. The Class D, $5,000 max pot licenses that these contests typically rely on, are not to be licenses under the PMHA’s profile. In fact, the gaming board will not approve a license unless it’s done properly per the guidelines available as part of PMHA’s program.
You can apply for a Class D license here:
The first step asks that you search for the organization you’re working with, but you must not use PMHA’s profile. Instead search once, then use option to create a profile for your team as the organization. The BC Gaming Board will grant licenses to individual sports teams, as eligibility for a Class D license is unrestricted. The PMHA requires a clear and managed gaming profile in order to run the online 50/50 program.