All players will be required to supply, maintain, and use the following equipment while participating in any on ice activity:​
Helmet with full-face mask (CSA approved for appropriate position and age group)
Hockey Gloves
Jock Strap
Practice Jersey
Elbow Pads
Neck Guard (BCHA approved)
Shin Pads
Shoulder Pads
Hockey Bag to store Equipment
All players will be subject to Equipment checks at the start and periodically throughout the season. Please make sure the equipment you purchase fits your child properly and is in good repair. Improper fit could cause serious injury.
Once your player is placed on a team, PMHA provides a practice jersey and a uniform which consists of- Game Jersey and Game socks. This uniform is PMHA issued and is the ONLY UNIFORM teams are permitted to wear to games and tournaments. Any teams observed wearing any part of the uniform that is not the one issued by PMHA may be subject to discipline or fine.
PMHA provides goalie equipment for the younger divisions.
Penticton Minor Hocky has the following scholarships and bursaries available.
BC Amateur Hockey Association (BCH)